WelcomeThe Illinois Club for Catholic Women
We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that supplies compassionate service and relief to the poor, the distressed and underprivileged in the Chicago Metropolitan area inspiring women of all ages to sustain its long tradition of charitable social service since 1921.
About Us
The Illinois Club for Catholic Women has maintained its steadfast mission that recognizes the sacred dignity of every individual, supplies compassionate service, and assists Catholic charities in the Chicago metropolitan area. In doing so, the ICCW…
Charitable Giving
Through the dedication, efforts and talents of our Presentation Ball Chairs along with their Committees and with the tremendous generosity of our Presentation Ball families, Board, Social Membership, honored donors, and the family of Frank J. and Julia Deal Lewis…
Presentation Ball
The practice of presenting young women to society in this country dates back to the mid-eighteenth century when colonial families held Dancing Assemblies, the predecessor to the Debutante Ball. The presentation marked the beginning of the young lady’s adulthood…