Presentation BallDebutante Families

The Presentation Ball is currently the ICCW’s premier fundraiser and the forum at which over 1,200 young ladies have been welcomed by family, friends and the Catholic community into a world of civic responsibility and awareness.
The Debutante’s family agrees to make a $15,000 contribution to the Illinois Club for Catholic Women (ICCW), a not-for-profit corporation. This contribution amount includes a table of ten seats at your main family table the evening of the Ball, valued at $500 per adult ticket. Also, your daughter and her two escorts will receive three seats at a debutante table the evening of the Ball.
Your contribution may be paid by check or credit card or through the ICCW website in one complete sum or in three equal installments at predetermined intervals.
Please note that if you accept the invitation and your daughter is subsequently unable to participate in the Ball, your payments to date are non-refundable and will be deemed a charitable contribution to the ICCW.
The amount of the contribution the donor may deduct for Federal income tax purposes is $7,500, which is equal to the excess of the money contributed over the value of the goods provided by the ICCW in exchange for the contribution.